The Opentree Foundation

Development through Play, is the flagship project of The Opentree Foundation, founded in 2004, a Mumbai-based non-profit organization. It creates safe spaces for at-risk children with a focus on mainstreaming play-based learning in India. Toybank adopts a Conscious PlayTM approach to enable children from vulnerable communities to alleviate stress, build resilience and overcome probable adversity. This approach focuses on Childrens’ critical thinking, communication, and socio-emotional learning. Their unique programmes cater to 77,000+ children across Maharashtra, India. In partnership with Non-profit Organisations, Community-based, Government and Low-income Semi-Government Schools, and Government and Non-Government CICs (Child in Institutional Care), Toybank has set up 623 Play2Learn centers across nine districts in Maharashtra. Toybank advocates for the Right to Play, through which, they aim to bring a change at the policy level to make Play an integral part of Childrens’ learning.