+91-22-6617 1700
The objective is to generate long-term returns by investing in equities and equity related instruments, across all market capitalizations.
The philosophy behind growth investing is based on the assumption that India is a high growth economy with a strong entrepreneurial culture. Our endeavour is to identify and invest in growth companies through a combination of top‐down and bottoms up fundamental research to enable long term wealth creation. A typical Portfolio may generally consist of between 8‐14 stocks across sectors. We may construct such concentrated Portfolios as per the Clients need and understanding.
Invest in companies across the market capitalization range, which have high growth potential and potential to deliver long‐term capital appreciation.
Upto 100% in equity (cash portion may be deployed in liquid funds/ debt Securities).
As per APMI Circular APMI/ 2022-23/02 dated March 23, 2023.
High Risk
Hiren Ved, an equity market veteran, serves as the Director and CIO at Alchemy Capital Management where he has been leading the firm’s Asset Management business. With over 30 years of experience in the Indian equities market, Hiren has developed a sustainable long-term investment philosophy based on fundamental research. He is known for his deep sector knowledge, bottom-up research skills and stock picking abilities. He holds a graduate degree in Accounting from Mumbai University and a post-graduation in Management & Cost Accounting from The Institute of Cost Accountants of India.
Data as of January 31, 2025 | *Inception Date: December 19, 2008
# Performance related information provided herein is not verified by SEBI | Returns are net of fees, expenses, and taxes (if applicable). | Returns less than 365 days: Absolute, greater than 365 days: CAGR ( Computed using TWRR method). | Past Performance is not indicative of future performance. | The above performance figures are aggregate of all discretionary clients; the investor's actual portfolio may differ. | Please refer the link for viewing Performance relative to other portfolio managers: https://www.apmiindia.org/apmi/welcomeiaperformance.htm?action=PMSmenu
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