+91-22-6617 1700
To generate long term risk adjusted returns.
A High-Risk High Return oriented strategy which aims at generating long term alpha consistently by investing in Multicap portfolio with GARP being the investment philosophy.
Alchemy Select Satellite is a market cap and benchmark agnostic strategy with a reasonable risk-reward which aims to create value by investing in high growth potential companies.
Equity stocks are chosen for investment based on following factors:
The company fundamentals, as reflected in reported numbers.
Upto 100% in equity (cash portion may be deployed in liquid funds/ debt Securities).
Portfolio Construct: A typical Portfolio may generally consist maximum of 20 stocks across sectors.
As per APMI Circular APMI/ 2022-23/02 dated March 23, 2023.
High Risk
Alok Agarwal, with over 22 years experience, specializes in equity fund management. He joined Alchemy in 2022, having previously led flagship funds and the offshore equity desk at PGIM India AMC. He has also worked with Deutsche Asset Management, KR Choksey Securities, Tata Group and Pinnacle Academy. An avid marathoner, Alok holds CA, CFA and CMT certifications, and Master’s in Commerce and Finance.
Data as of January 31, 2025 | *Inception Date: November 30, 2023
# Performance related information provided herein is not verified by SEBI | Returns less than 365 days: Absolute, greater than 365 days: CAGR (Computed using TWRR method). | Past Performance is not indicative of future performance. | The above performance figures are aggregate of all discretionary clients; the investor's actual portfolio may differ. | Please refer the link for viewing Performance relative to other portfolio managers: https://www.apmiindia.org/apmi/welcomeiaperformance.htm?action=PMSmenu
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